TechResort have always believed in the skills and capability of young people. We’ve never been disappointed.
The last couple of years have really tested the resilience of us all – but youngsters could well be seeing continued disadvantage for a while yet.
Many of us have been required to start working from home and, for the most part, we’ve probably learned to adapt because we know our employer’s business, and our colleagues. It’s a definitely a shift, but a shift from a common starting point with our colleagues.
Now imagine being a business who has moved to remote working a lot of the time. How do you recruit and nurture a new employee for whom your post will be a first “proper” job?
Now imagine being a young person looking for their first job in an industry largely without an “office” to go into. How do you learn the skills you need, and get to know your new colleagues?
It may be even worse for young people who struggle a little with social cues until they’ve got used to a new situation or those who are very shy or introverted. What about young people who would find it very hard to work and “Zoom” from home because of their shared living circumstances?
Now, more than ever, TechResort believes that friendly and supportive, but disciplined, work experience could well be a game changer for young people. To that end we made a funding application to The Blagrave Trust for a trial project to provide work experience placements with TechResort for the rest of 2021.
We’ve already welcomed 10 young people to try their hand with some of our ongoing projects such as refurbishing laptops and helping support younger children in creative digital skills during the summer holidays. Our work over the next few months will open other opportunities, too.
It’s also worth mentioning that much of our work experience is delivered by our young workforce, most of whom are in their first jobs themselves.
We know that giving young people good work experience is hard. This funding ensures that we can put time into making it a positive experience for us and the youngsters. We also know that being able to talk to prospective employers about the practical aspects of work-skills and to be able to give examples is the best way to get first job.
Employers – talk to us if you think we can help you recruit some young workers.
Young people, especially those who might find the prospect of work terrifying – talk to us about a short term placement.
Thank you lovely people at The Blagrave Trust – you won’t be disappointed at the results.