Services: Digital Drop-in sessions

We provide free to access drop-in sessions to help people get connected safely and confidently


We provide free digital help for everyone, no appointment needed. We will give you a warm welcome, and offer 1:1 coaching to help tackle any immediate issues, and then build up confidence and develop your digital skills.

We can also provide information about staying warm & well over winter.

Just some of the tasks we can help with include:

  • Filling out forms – such as applying for college courses, or keeping Universal Credit journals updated
  • Staying safe on the internet – by setting strong passwords and enabling two-factor authentication, and learning how to spot scams
  • Setting up new devices
  • Transferring and backing up data
  • Managing files and emails
  • Learning how to use essential apps for work, such as Word and Excel

Our drop-in sessions run at:


Our HQ at 23a Cavendish Place, Eastbourne, BN21 3EJ – every Monday from 11am – 3pm and Thursday from 12noon – 6pm

Age Concern – on the first Thursday of every month, 1-3pm

Gateway Christian Centre Foodbank – on the first and third Wednesday of every month, 10am-12pm

All Souls Church Foodbank – on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month, 10am-12pm

Langney Community Larder – on the second Tuesday of every month, 10am-12pm


Citizens’ Advice, 40 St Leonards Road – every Thursday, 1-5pm


Friends of Bishopstone Station, Meet Up Mondays – 12th August & 9th September,  11am-12.30pm

One comment

  1. Sheilah Roberts says:

    Hi, I spent some time today with Lia at the Venton Centre in Eastbourne.
    She was so friendly and helpful even though I made it very clear that I was
    a technophobe. In actual fact, I did learn something and now no longer feel
    in awe of the dreaded smartphone.
    Thank you so much Lia – hope to see you soon. x

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