We’ve mentioned Digital Do Tank before, and now’s the time to announce more details. Thanks to new funding and partnerships, anyone in Eastbourne can now get free and low cost help with digital skills.
What sort of skills?
We can help with all kinds of things:
- Inclusion: Help getting on line, picking the best device to use, and loaning a device
- Literacy: Building confidence using the internet, applications and devices
- Enrichment: Providing creative digital projects to those at risk from isolation. Helping hobbyists do more with digital
- Work: Boosting skills for people who need them for their work, studies or to take their careers in a new direction
- Third sector: Helping community organisations serve their clients using digital techniques
- Business: Showing small and medium sized businesses how to work remotely, use online platforms and make more of digital tools
- Safety: Basic online safety, and techniques for managing data securely
In short, TechResort can offer almost anything you might want a little help with. We’ve plenty of equipment, tools and techniques to share. Plus we’ll ensure that any face to face work is safe and socially distanced.
Who can take part?
Anyone – and for the most part help will be free or very low cost. We’re emphasising help for adults, but we’ll still have a few activities for young people.
We’ve already made a start. We’re helping a community artist with equipment, tools and techniques to launch new projects in a safe way. We’re shortly meeting with a community organisation for adults with learning difficulties to create a digital journal to record their journeys.
There’s plenty of other ideas in the pipeline.
How do I get started?
Just email us:
Also stay tuned for bookable remote learning sessions. We’ll post details here and on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter channels.
The Digital Do Tank has been made possible by funding from the National Lottery, Sussex Community Foundation and SECCADS.
We’ve also forged new relationships with Croydon Council and Leeds City Council. These will help us learn what works and doesn’t, and help us go forward faster. Exciting times!
Please do let me know if this offer moves to Hastings at all. I work with lots of older people that i am desperate to help get online!